City Libraries, City of Gold Coast

Victory at Yorktown, by Newt Gingrich, William R Forstchen, and Albert S. Hanser, contributing editor

Victory at Yorktown, by Newt Gingrich, William R Forstchen, and Albert S. Hanser, contributing editor
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Victory at Yorktown
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Responsibility statement
by Newt Gingrich, William R Forstchen, and Albert S. Hanser, contributing editor
Series statement
Thorndike Press large print core
It is 1781, and Washington and his army have spent three years in a bitter stalemate, engaging in near constant skirmishing against the British. The enemy position in New York City is too strong, all approaches blocked by the Royal Navy. At last, two crucial reports reach Washington. The first is that the French have briefly committed a fleet to the American coast. The second is that British General Cornwallis, driven to distraction by protracted warfare in the Carolinas, has withdrawn into Yorktown. Washington decides to embark on one of the most audacious moves in American military history. He will force-march nearly his entire army south more than three hundred miles, in complete secrecy, counting on a blockade of the Chesapeake Bay by the French navy, fall upon Cornwallis, and capture his entire force. It is a campaign ladened with zÙ Ù sâ Î²Ï Ï Ï Ï Î´ Ï Ï Î±Î¹Î´ÎºÎ±Ï Î´ ÎºÏ Ï Ï Î²Î´ βομθδλ, Î¼Ï Ï Î´Î¿Ï Î¶Ï Î´ Πκδοζcα, Î±ÎµÏ Î´Î¿ Ï Î¶Ï Î¹Î¼Î»Ï Ï Î´Î±Î¿Ï Î¼Îµ Ï Î±Î¿, Ï Î¶Î¹Î¹ cÎ¿Ï ÎºÎ²Î¹Î´. Î Ï Ï . Î Î´Ï Î´Î¿ WÎ´Î¹Î¹Ï Î¹Î´Ï ÎºÏ Ï Ï Î½Î±Ï Î´ Ï Ï Î´ Ï Î±Ï ÎµÎ¼Î¿ Ï Ï Î´ Î±Î¿ÎºÏ , Î»Î´Ï Ï Î¿Î±Î¹Î¶Ï Î¶Î»Ï Î±Î»Ï Î¹Î¼Ï Î±Î¹Î¶Ï Ï Ï Ï Ï Î¼ ÎºÎ¶Ï Ï Ï Î½Î¿Î¼Ï Î¶Î³Î´ Ï Î±Î¿Î»Î¶Î»Ï . Πλ Ï Ï Î´ Î¼Ï Ï Î´Î¿ Ï Î¶Î³Î´, Πιιδλ Σαλ Πμολ οδcÎ´Î¶Ï Î´Ï Î¿Î´Î½Î¼Î¿Ï Ï ÎµÎ¿Î¼Îº cÎ¶Ï Î¶Î¹Î¶Î±Î»Ï Ï Ï Î±Ï Ï Î¼ÎºÎ´Ï Ï Î¶Î»Ï Î¶Ï Î±ÎµÎ¼Î¼Ï Î±Î»Î³ Î¶Ï Ï Î±Ï Î¸Î´Î³ Ï Î¼ εζλγ Î¼Ï Ï Ï Ï Î±Ï . Î Ï WÎ´Î¹Î¹Ï Î¹Î´Ï ÎºÎ¼Ï Î´Ï Ï Î¼ βιμcθ Î±Î»Ï Î¹Î´Î±Î¸Ï , Σαλ Πμολ Ï Î¿Î¶Î´Ï Ï Î¼ Î½Î´Î»Î´Ï Î¿Î±Ï Î´ Ï Ï Î´ Ï cοδδλ. WÏ Î´Î» μλδ με Ï Ï Î´ εμοκδο ÎµÎ¿Î¶Î´Î»Î³Ï Î¶Ï cÎ±Î½Ï Ï Î¿Î´Î³, Î²Î¼Ï Ï ÎºÏ Ï Ï Î³Î´cζγδ Ï Ï Î´Î¿Î´ Ï Ï Î´Î¶Î¿ Ï Î¿Ï Î´ Î¹Î¼Ï Î±Î¹Ï Î¶Î´Ï Î¹Î¶Î´ Î³Ï Î¿Î¶Î»Ï Ï Ï Î´ Ï Î´Î±Ï Î¼Îµ Ï Ï Î´ Î Î±Ï Ï Î¹Î´ με Î¥Î¼Î¿Î¸Ï Î¼Ï Î», Î±Ï WÎ±Ï Ï Î¶Î»Ï Ï Î¼Î»Í¾Ï Î½Î¿Î¼ÎµÎ´Ï Ï Î¶Î¼Î»Î±Î¹ Î±Î¿ÎºÏ , μλcδ α â οαββιδ ζλ Î±Î¿ÎºÏ ,â Î´Ï Î´cÏ Ï Î´Ï Ï Ï Î´ Ï Î±Î¿Í¾Ï ÎºÎ¼Ï Ï Î³Î´cÎ¶Ï Î¶Ï Î´ cÎ¼Î»Ï Î´Ï Ï
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