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Iron Man armored adventures, Complete season 2, Discs 3 & 4

Iron Man armored adventures, Complete season 2, Discs 3 & 4
Intended audience
Rated: PG
Main title
Iron Man armored adventures
The Armor Wars: Tony Stark has lost the armoury, lost his armour, and even worse, lost a trusted friend. Tony has searched the globe for Gene and his father, but there isn't a single sign of them. And if life wasn't complicated enough, Tony is turning 17. In a year, Stark International will appoint him head... and Obadiah Stane must stop that from happening. Stane knows he could win over the board if he owned one thing: the Iron Man armor. But unfortunately for Stane, 21-year-old corporate genius Justin Hammer, one of the wealthiest (and most ruthless) young men on the planet desires the same thing. And what Hammer wants, he gets. Thus begins the Armor Wars. The Makluan Ring saga: ony Stark is finally back on top as the Armor Wars have come to an end. Obadiah Stane's memory has been wiped out and he has been removed as CEO of Stark International. Justin Hammer has avoided conviction, and remains quiet for the time. Tony wants to enjoy the peace while he can... until Gene shows up. At first they clash as Iron Man and Mandarin, but Gene doesn't want to fight. He has found the sixth and seventh rings, but cannot acquire the eighth. Gene claims he will reveal the location of Tony's father if he will help him gain the last 3 rings. At first Tony refuses, but Pepper and Rhodey are confounded when he gives in. What they don't realize is that the seventh ring controls people's thoughts
Table Of Contents
The Armor Wars -- The Makluan Ring saga
Target audience
Iron Man armored adventures, Complete season two, Discs 3 & 4Marvel

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