City Libraries, City of Gold Coast

The moon + you, your guide to finding energy, balance, and healing with the power of the moon, Diane Ahlquist

The moon + you, your guide to finding energy, balance, and healing with the power of the moon, Diane Ahlquist
index present
Literary Form
non fiction
Main title
The moon + you
Responsibility statement
Diane Ahlquist
Sub title
your guide to finding energy, balance, and healing with the power of the moon
Each phase of the moon brings a different energy. From the inspiring presence of the new moon spurring new intentions to the emotional release of the waxing moon to the inner reflection of the waning moon-now you can let the energizing and healing power of the moon guide your wellness routine. The Moon + You explains how to harness the moon's energy during its major phases, and use it to better yourself through a variety of rituals, exercises, and meditations. Filled with information on the phases of the moon and how they affect our mental, physical, and emotional well-being, as well as advice and suggestions for creating a self-care routine that aligns with each moon phase, this complete guide gives you everything you need to fully embrace the moon's energy. Learn how to utilize the moon's natural influence to transform and nurture your body, mind, and spirit
Moon and youMoon plus you

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